Thursday, October 9, 2008

Attention Washington State Voters: Pacific Crest Research is PUSH POLLING AGAIN!

You know we are in the home stretch of the Presidential election season when Pacific Crest Research calls you at home to conduct a political push poll!

The first question I asked her was "What is the name of your company". I Googled it. I then said "that's weird you guys don't have a website." Then I asked her to read me the list of questions. The girl on the phone had to put me on hold and have me talk to her supervisor, Kevin Tweedie. Kevin told me that they get contracts from Killey Research located in Pennsyvaina but he did not know who the actual client is. After I got the first 4 questions out of him he put me back on the phone with the Girl From Ogden Utah.

Here are the questions that were on their list to ask:
  1. Are you currently registered to vote?
  2. Do you think things in Washington are heading in the right direction or the right track?
  3. Governor Gregoire is up for re-election do you feel Gregoire has performed her job as Governor well enough to deserve re-election or do you feel it's time to elect someone else as Governor?
  4. For each of the following names I mention please tell me of your impression of that person is either very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable -- and if you haven't heard of someone of do not know of enough to form an opinion than say so.
  5. 5. John McCain, -

I asked The Girl from Ogen Utah what was question 5. She said it is a list of names. I asked her for the first one. It was John McCain. My snarkiness got the better of me and I said "oh that's interesting". I asked her to read the second name. She would not read the rest of the names and put me on the phone with another of her other supervisors. I then asked the new supervisor to read me the rest of the list. She said "it was none of my business" and "it is copyrighted information". I then reminded her that in question number 4 it states 'haven't heard of someone of do not know of enough to form an opinion than say so'. She said "to get the rest of the questions I would have had to give a response". I told her I didn't know who John McCain is so give me the next name. She didn't. She scoffed that I didn't know who John McCain was and that she felt uncomfortable with me Googling information about them and that there were "deferring all questions to Mike Warren".

Pacific Crest Research Firm
690 W 1100 South Suite 1
Ogden, Utah 84404
call Mike Warren:
801-866-1116 ext. 5

Mccain dirty tricks: Push-polling Jewish voters


Anonymous said...

i work for pacific crest research and we do no do push polls

Anonymous said...

I worked for pcr a while back. They do a number of surveys, if I were to get a call from them askin personal info I wouldn't give it and I advise everyone else not to. There is alot ALOT of felons working there