I watched this portion in it's entirety. I wrote down at what time on the CVTV feed citizens spoke. Towards the end when all hell broke loose, including Ms. Harris shutting down Mr. Campbell, Mayor Royce Pollard yelling about KATU camera's being there, City Attorney Ted Gathe reflecting on citizen's "mistaken beliefs".
Click here to watch Citizen Concern or other portions of 10-06-08 City Council meeting
When watching video that is streamed, like the CVTV coverage of City Council meetings, you can not skip ahead. That is how streaming vidoe from the internet works. You can go skip back to part of the video once it has played. I suggest you let the stream play. Take note of the time. You can go about doing other things, then skip back to the portions you want to watch. YOU CAN however right click on the "citizen's communication" link and "save link as". This will download the .wmv file on to your computer. This means you will be able to watch it on your Window's Media Player. You will then be able to skip forward of back as you like. Please leave a comment if you need help. -- Goldie
Citizen Communications:
00:28-02:27 / Tom Martin speaking of purger and request for
02:29-06:35 / Bill Turlay speaking of water issues
06:45-10:31 / Dan Johnson calling for an independent, 3rd party agency with subpoena and arrest powers to investigate departments
10:31-12:25 / Mayor explains what the council has agreed to do in regards to investigation of departments as a result of the Navin Sharma suit
12:30-16:19 / Goldie Davich asking for independent 3rd party with subpoena/arrest powers not to be selected by City Manager or Attorney's office
16:27-19:57 / Ed Lynch (partner of Vancouver's Downtown Association / contributer to republican campaigns and $1million to SW Washignton Medical Center Foundation) defending the City Manager's reputation
19:57-24:52 / Winnie Clements asking the council to look at the fact that came to light in affidavits that clearly state a culture of retaliation and intimidation in the VPD, Attorney's office and Managers office
27:12-29:30 / Kim Capeloto (President of The Bank of Clark County) defending the City Manager's reputation
25:07-27:07 / Mr. Peabody in regards to sidewalk
29:35-32:44 / Jodi Davich asking for a thorough investigation pointing to institutional racism
32:44-37:47 / Bruce Hall asking for independent 3rd party agency with subpoena/arrest powers organizational review of city departments
41:00-44:40 / comments from council beginning with Ms. Stewart speaking about the objectiveness of the City Manager selecting agency's to to the investigation does not offer "the appropriate level of confidence in the outcome"
44:40-45:54 / Ms Stewart asks Mayor "what is the time table" -- Pat McDonnell response. Ms. Jolatta "has to be paid for and we approve payment"
45:54-47:30 / Ms. Harris speaks about request for qualifications. Pat McDonnell repsonds. Mr. Pat Campbell asks, "Will the department of Justice be on that menu?". Ms. Jeanne Harris cuts him off. There is no answer to Mr. Campbell's question.
47:30-48:55 / Ms. Stewart "with us as a public agency and the Department of Justice as a public agency why would we have to, couldn't we invite them to do it? Why would we have to pay?"
48:55-50:50 / Ms. Stewart, "Would we be looking @ an agency that has subpeona power as part of the criteria that we are looking at?".
50:50-51:50 / Mayor Royce Pollard, "Was someone found guilty in this personnel case that we just went through?" (obviously not a direct answer). Ted Gathe's response to Mayors question, "Not a criminal offense -- apparently there are those in the community that have some, I believe mistaken belief that some how there have been crimes that have been committed in connection with this entire case. Being accused of things that are simply not true. I think it is completely and totally inappropriate. But I urge the council to do a thorough investigation" mentions something about BASELESS ACCUSATIONS
51:50-54:10 / Stewart and Mayor go back and forth. Mayor Royce Pollard, "It started out as an officer who did 78 incomplete false reports, not grammatical errors or spelling, 78 DUI reports that were wrong!"
54:10-54:55 / Mayor Royce Pollard, "Why do we have a TV here tonight?!". Pat Campbell, "because we are a public body"... Mayor to Campbell, "Did you set this up?!"
54:55-56:12 / Mr. Campbell illustrates why an independent investigation was something he wanted and didn't get in a case related to him when he was in law enforcement. "I just don't see what the perceived resistance is -- It's a good thing."
56:12-57:30 / "I DON"T WANT TO HEAR IT FROM YOU" Jeanne Harris to Pat Campbell. Tim Levitt comments "People will be surprised on the outcome"
Talk amongst yourself!
Mayor hits GOLD...... "Pollard said it’s important to remember the case started when an officer, referring to Sharma, filed 78 false police reports."
It was very obvious that Mayor Royce Pollard was attempting to publically convict Officer Sharma of some wrong doing, or at least wanted the public to believe that, to shift blame away from the City Attorney's Office, The City Manager, and VPD Admin Staff.. or was he?
Maybe the Mayor actually believes Sharma was wrongfully terminated and wanted to send a message to look into the VPD Admin and City Attorney's Office and placing blame there.
Pollard said it’s important to remember the case started when an officer, referring to Sharma, filed 78 false police reports.
“Not grammatical errors or misspelling,” he said. “Seventy-eight DUI reports that were wrong. … Not two, three, five. Pretty serious stuff.”
The Mayor actually made a good point, a very good point, and probably doesn't realize he hit the head trail to a gold mine.
We CAN NOT forget that these DUI reports were the beginning of the final head-hunt that ended up in Officers Sharma's wrongful termination.
The Mayor wants us to remember these DUI reports that were inaccurate, however, through a Washington State Patrol investigation, deemed a "training issue", rather than deceitful acts.
The Mayor wants us to remember these DUI reports that a few VPD Admin staff dug up and actually looked for, in hopes of finding ammo against Sharma.
The Mayor wants us to remember these DUI reports which had the same simple common errors that other officer's reports had. Those other erroneous "false police reports" which were also "filed", were determined to be "training issues" too, and no other officers were fired.
The Mayor wants us to remember these DUI reports that were filed into the courts, with sublte errors, so subtle that no VPD supervisor, City Attorney, defense attorney, or Judge even noticed.
The Mayor wants us to remember these DUI reports which 78 supervisors were required to review and approved, a process to catch errors, were never questioned or disciplined. In fact, Sharma's first-line supervisor was never questioned about Sharma's performance or reports during the Internal Affairs investigation.
Let us not forget those DUI Reports, that had simple common Cut N' Paste errors that were so subtle, no one caught them in the report writing, report approval, and court process ... AND errors that were deemed by a WSP investigation as "training issues". These same reports were dug up from the past at the direction of a VPD Administrator, used to sand bag Sharma towards wrongful termination.
Pollard said it’s important to remember the case started when an officer, referring to Sharma, filed 78 false police reports...
... reports that VPD Admin, City Attorney's Office, and the City Manager's Office used as 'leverage' to carryout their 'bully tactics' and wrongfully terminate Sharma.
Who were the VPD Administrators and City Attorneys that were pushing to 'use' these DUI reports in hopes of railroading Sharma?
Cleaning up America's Vancouver, one 'bad' apple at a time.
Be Safe, Educate Yourself, Keep the Faith!!
the Corruption in Clark county is so wide spread that they don't know who to believe. that is what makes access to Public Records so nice to us the citizens who fall as Victims to their corruption. Crime Victims Program run by Prosecutor Dennis Hunter. His office has denied me help on three different felonies cases in the year 2007. Being the key witness to Dino Constance I was never informed of my rights as a witness and end up losing my job because of it.Felony DV again never did the office of CV help me get restitution or was I ever informed of court dates and they knew where I was because I was a key witness. the very next day I am struck by a Chevy Blazer in the parking lot of FM's.Paper said he was charged with Robbery Hit & Run and Vehicular Assault.
Never did the Prosecutors charge this man with a crime.But let one of their people get a table rolled off their leg and they are charging him with Assault 2 and giving him a third strike. They jump to the aid of their own and after I help them convict a men who hired me to kill his wife I was kicked to the curb. This County is not one you want to raise a family in. When the sign says welcome to Washington it should read "ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK VANCOUVER WASHINGTON"
This County could be a wonderful place howoever there are over zealous police officers and Proscecutors . Do you remember the girl who claimed to be raped. Led police to a house that she thought was the one .
The Idiots on the VPD responded with tear gas and SWAT or their version of wanna be SWAT busted down the door tased a poor basard that was sleeping took him to jail . the little brat that caused this was lieing because she did not want to get in trouble for skipping school.
Meanwhile there is a Woman who had acid thrown in her face and VPD is unable to find her a week later. VPD could not catch a cold.
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