Feb 16, 2005 - Office Memo dated Feb 16, 2005, from the Office of the City Attorney to Josephine Townsend from City Attorney Ted Gathe.

This memo states Townsend was placed on Administrative Leave to conduct an investigation into allegations surrounding her work performance as a supervisor and attorney. Gathe states he repeatedly counseled Townsend on that subject and implemented very specific performance expectations. Due to the investigation and other reasons, Gathe came to the conclusion that Townsend did not meet his expectations and he felt it was necessary to terminate her employment, effective immediately.
May 22, 2008 - Deposition of former City Attorney Josephine Townsend

Former City Attorney Townsend stated that she resigned, not terminated, and that she was never suspended.
June 4, 2008 - From Deposition of City Attorney Ted H. Gathe.

When City Attorney Ted Gathe, was asked if former City Attorney Townsend was terminated or resigned, he testified that Townsend resigned, and added that she was never suspended.
Did City Attorney Ted H. Gathe and Josephine Townsend, commit perjury in the Sharma vs City of Vancouver case?
You be the Judge.... -- Samuel Fisher
Not sure if I'm doing this wrong but when I click the links, it just goes to a comcast page.
Thank you! We'll try to get those links working. I think they are suppose to be documents. If that is the case we need to host them somewhere online... Thank you sincerely for the input! -- Goldie
Okay! I thought it might help Sam to have the images of the documents so it would be more accessible... No broken links :-)
It is too bad this Vancouver, Washington blog is not updated. Vancouver, WA needs more political coverage
Agreed, more updated information on crooked Josephine Townsend as well.
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