Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Vanncouver residents cry foul over police settlement: KATU video

From KATU Website -- Vancouver citizens have once again called for investigations into both the city attorney and city manager's office after a huge settlement with a fired police officer. Residents are calling the city's leaders corrupt and they say enough is enough.

Here is the link to the KATU Channel 2 story relating to citizen's call for an independent, 3rd party agency with subpoena power and arrest power such as The Department of Justice to investigate City Of Vancouver departments related to the Navin Sharma suit. This story ran on October 7th, 2008:

Click here to watch video


Anonymous said...

An independent review of the Vancouver city government must be done by an agency with subpoena powers to get to the bottom of a discrimination settlement. A group of speakers told this to the city council Monday and we need to make sure this happens.

The Officer Sharma case was just the straw that broke the camels back. Otherwise, Pollard would not have lied to his constituents and the press again. Pollard, Gathe and McDonnel are desperately trying to stay in control of their dominion.

At NO POINT can these three gentlemen be in control or part of the investigation. Honestly, they must really think we are brainless. Why would we allow these three control or be part of this investigation when they ARE to be investigated and are the very reason this investigation is being called. That’s like allowing a criminal diagnosed as a psychopath or sociopath, control and conduct their own investigation.

You know, there is a parallel and hallmark between these three gentleman and a sociopath or psychopath. One of the hallmark’s of such a condition is the lack of conscience and remorse, the ability to lie as easily as breathing.

We can not allow these three gentleman to be part or control of any part of this investigation.

God Bless Them.

Anonymous said...

Pollard, Gathe, McDonnel - Who do you think you are fooling?

Come On People! We can not afford any more of this financially, this is just too embarrassing.

Of course if it was left up to Ted Gathe, Pat McDonnel and the Mayor Royce Pollard, it would be ANOTHER whitewash, why would you believe or expect anything different?

Even members of the Council know this to be true, and they are worried for good reason. If you attended or watched Monday, October 6 video of the City Councel meeting, you would have seen the concern on several of the Council members’ faces. Watched McDonnel, Pollard and Gathe squirm. Their facial expression and Pollard’s level of agitation gives it away.

Otherwise, Pollard wouldn’t continue to state lies; “78 false police reports” – compounding and multiplying more lies. What's entertaining; you will not see Gathe, McDonnel or other Council members correcting Pollard. And why should they, the way and as fast as he spews out lies and blames others, it's inevitable and foreseeable he will take the fall for this.

What's that old adage about "pushing someone in front of an on-coming train to save your self." or maybe "stupid is - what stupid does."

Anonymous said...

Mayor Pollard, No, No, No,


Very Ill-fated and Disastrous

Absolutely stupid! Why did you LIE again? Why would you public state that Sharma filed 78 false police reports? Compounding More Lies?

I will remind you that the entire IA investigation was erroneous. There are court records, sworn affidavits and depositions, testimonies and documents that prove without a reasonable doubt, that there is a culture of discrimination and retaliation existing within McDonnell’s office, the City Attorney’s Office, and amongst the very top echelons of the VPD Command Staff and the individuals who conspired to fire Officer Sharma, that has lead to his sizable settlement. Your own public statement at the last meeting Mayor Pollard proved your guilt and proved once again that you are still trying to cover-up this embarrassing and extremely preventable situation.

I just have to ask this question, Is it not rough enough for you, the City Manager and Council Members that your constituents, your current and past employees are asking for a full US Justice Department investigation with subpoena rights sufficient? How can you feel empowered to continue your lies in the wake of a full blown investigation?

Since I asked the first question, you get to ask your self the second question; Is Orange my color and do I really like eating baloney sandwiches? Your lies will put you in jail if you are not careful.

I will do you one more favor by reminding you of the Detroit Mayor Case: Mr. Kwame Kilpatrick perjured in a federal case involving the unjust firings of two Detroit Police Officers. The Mayor will spend five years in a federal prison for that perjury. (AP Wire March 25, 2008).

God Bless You

RightThing2Do said...

The City's Attorney, Mayor, and Manager hid from the law.......

It is very clear from statements made during the Oct 6th Vancouver City Council Meeting and the Channel 2 News clip aired on Oct 7th, that the City Attorney, Ted Gathe, and Mayor Royce Pollard are attempting to hide or shield the city from the 'strong arm of the law'.

They are pushing a private business, that has no obligation to dig for information where needed, and cost tax payers a ton of money. (Rumors have it that the City paid a private investigator $10,000 to investigate VPD Mitch Barker for an "unethical" incident where had questions to a Chief's Interview, giving him an unfair advantage to the hiring process. He was not fired, but received a Letter of Reprimand by City Manager Pat McDonnell.)

In the real world, un-spun from politicians, when a 'vicitm' or a 'reporting person' believes a crime has been committed, a law enforcement agency is compelled to look into it and conduct some sort of investigation. If during the investigation, it is found that crimes had been committed, then formal charges can be filed with the courts.

"My department, and myself and others are being accussed of things that are simply not true." said Gathe in the Oct 6th City Council Meeting.

In a Channel 2 News clip, Gathe said a federal investigation would be 'out of line' and commented, "I think it is completely inappropriate, but I urge the council to do a complete and thorough investigation so our people's reputations, ah, can not be tarnished by these kinds of baseless accussations."

If the City Attorney himself, or other City Attorney's Office staff committed perjury during the Shama depositions, such as the circumstances related to firing, or resignation, of former City Attorney J. Townsend, then it should be looked into by a criminal investigator, not a private business.

Channel 2 News Reported Bob Heye asked of the Mayor, "For the critics who are saying that you got to have the feds involved, how do you answer that one?"

Mayor Royce Pollard answered, "Well, you know, I don't think that's neccessary, really. There, there is you know, no one was found guilty, ah, in this, in these hearings, so you don't have a guilty party, ah, you know, and you got to have a crime in order for the feds to get involved."

Ah, er, uh .... DOH!!! Maybe the Mayor was suggesting that there SHOULD be a criminal investigation done prior to getting the feds involved. In a real world, a real investigation, the criminal investigation is done BEFORE anyone is found guilty!!!!!

It is sooo ironic that VPD Admin and the City Attorney's Office wanted to hang Ofc Sharma and railroad him through a flawed I.A. process, and requested criminal charges against him, but Clark County Prosecuting Attorney Art Curtis advised that no charges could be filed without a criminal investigation.

So let us follow the same legal procedure that was offered to Sharma.

In referenece to Gathe and criminal accusations of him and his staff, he admitted he and his staff were "accused of things that were simply not true" (perjury and violation of civil rights). He also urged "the council to do a complete and thorough investigation so our people's reputations, ah, can not be tarnished by these kinds of baseless accussations".

In reference to Mayor Pollard and the feds not involved unless there crimes committed or people found guilty, it sounds as if he is encouraging a criminal investigation in order to determine if crimes were committed, and also is encouraging a hearing or trial in order to determine if any one is guilty.

You can't have a guilty finding without a crime or suspect(s).

Ask The City Manager, or the City Attorney, or The Mayor about the Hernandez vs CIty of Vancouver case.

Rolando Henandez was a former City of Vancouver employee. He was a victim of a race based harassment where the city did not take his complaint seriously. He filed a lawsuit locally, but the City Attorney's Office made a motion to dismiss, with requests to prevent important statments entered as evidence. The case was dismissed.

On April 14, 2008, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a local lawsuit. In favor of the victim, Rolando Hernandez. In the 11 pg reversal, it states, "The evidence, in viewed in the light most favorable to Hernandez, goes to show that a conspiracy existed between Tanninen and the city to cover up the investigation of race-based hostility." Words from Federal Judges. (Tannien was Hernandez's supervisor)

This ruling, less than 6 months ago, makes it evident that corruption, like cover ups within the city, are being recognized at the Federal level

It is obvious that the City is protecting their own by avoiding a law enforcement agency from conducting an investigation. A private business can not conduct a complete and thorough investigation, nor can it hold people accountable if they were to uncover any wrongdoings.

When Asst Chief Mitch Barker "runs away" or retires this October 31st, no private business can force him to cooperate or hold him accountable. He would be able to wrongfully fire employees, and get away with it.

So the Citey requested a Federal Investigation...

The Mayor knew the investigation was inevitable and Emily Langlie, spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Seattle, even said, “What is unusual is that the city is making this request,” she said. “In the usual course of events, we become aware of alleged civil rights violations from a victim or the victim’s advocates. Quite honestly, the FBI will open a preliminary civil rights violation simply based on news reports.”

Well, lucky for us all, DOJ planned on starting an investigation prior to the Mayor sending a certified letter on Friday. So the 'wolf in sheep's clothing' trick isn't going to work here.

There needs to be an immediate re-filing, or additional filing, requesting the scope of the investigation to include, but not limited to Conspiracy to Violate Civil Rights and Perjury to include as suspects, Mayor Royce Pollard, City Manager Pat McDonnell, City Attorney Ted Gathe, several other City Attorneys, VPD Asst Chief Mitch Barker, VPD Commander Nannette Kistler, and few other VPD Administrators. These individual's actions (collectively and indivually) and recorded testimonies should be looked at very carefully, and if the DOJ deem that crimes occurred, then they each should be dealt with individually as potential criminals. Relief of Duty, Admin Leave, etc, should be immediately after a finding of criminal activity until the investigation is final.

Rolando Hernandez's pending case should also be looked into. These cases, as well as others, are clear examples of what our so called leaders are really doing.

Media Coverage Oct 7th:


Cleaning up America's Vancouver, one 'bad' apple at a time.

Be Safe, Educate Yourself, Keep the Faith.

Goldie Davich said...

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